Organization is one of the keys to operating a successful business. Although it may not generate instant income, it can contribute to the effectiveness of time management. In essence, the same methods that are used in the real world for organization are transferable to the digital world. It is all about keeping folders and information readily available.
Folder Names
Every person within the company needs to follow the same scheme when it comes to labeling folders. If you choose to go by dates, then everyone needs to follow suit. Otherwise, digital documents can become lost and difficult to track down if the creator is unavailable. If a folder is renamed in order to improve efficiency, then all folders will need to be adapted to the new system.
Using sub-folders can help the company keep data more isolated from other documents. However, an excessive number of these can be quite confusing when looking for specific information. Maintain a logical flow that makes sifting through the folders easy to understand. Planning the folder structure ahead of time may allow you to device s strategy that works for everyone.
File Names
Like folder names, those of the actual document need to follow a specific labeling platform. A customer or client could be waiting for an employee to send or print a document that is lost in the system. This could result in a waste of time as well as losing a potentially long-term customer.
Keeping the Data Clean
All too often, employees may save random documents that clutter online folders. It is akin to piling the junk mail in with the bills. Routinely inspect the documents and make sure no other files are taking drive space. As many Cloud-based storage systems charge per gigabyte, you do not want unwanted memos or useless pictures from social media sites taking up your online storage.
Constant Backups
Make sure all employees are constantly creating backups of digital documents. Some businesses use a cloud-based service to store originals while allowing staff to work with download copies. This keeps the files from getting lost while promoting an easy way to recover data after a disaster.
Online tools, such as those found at, can save your company a great deal of time when it comes to keeping information organized. Regardless of where the files and folders are saved digitally, they need to be clearly identifiable. Otherwise, it can be just as difficult to find an important digital document as it is to find its paper counterpart.