Yesterday, Mr. Ken Brown of Adgitize published an article about the changes in the publisher payout system that will be implemented in July 1, 2011. They will be reverting to their original pricing structure and will discontinue the “2010 Summer Promotion.”
According to Ken Brown, this restructure is expected to reduce the amount of revenue currently earned by publishers. Payout will again be based on a publisher’s earned points percentage out of the total number of points in the system multiplied by the amount of revenue available for payout on that day. To earn $0.01 in a day, a publisher should at least earn 100 points.
The 2010 Summer Promotion was originally created so publishers would know exactly how many points it would take to earn enough to place an ad in the system. The premise was “if a member was earning enough each month to place an ad then more members would place Adgitize Ads.” With the diminishing number of advertisements, it’s apparent that their goal was not reached thus, continuing with the current system is no longer practical and sustainable.
Other Important Updates at Adgitize
- No more forum points
- Earn more points for 2nd and 3rd ads
Members will no longer earn forum points for contributing in the Adgitize forum.
Advertisers will earn an additional 100 points each for a second and third ads in the system, thus, members with three ads will earn a maximum of 300 advertising points.
Are you an Adgitize member? In what ways do you think will these recent developments affect you?