Techie She again underwent another blog makeover!
Boredom got the best out of me again. After redoing my blog design in July, I again created another design for this blog. Instead of the pink and blue minimalist design, I went for a purple one this time. I still used the Genesis framework from Studiopress but customized the Blissful theme for the current design.

The new blog design of Techie She. Hope you like it!
What do you think of the new design? I love it because I finally had incorporated my favorite color on this blog. Hope it would inspire me to breathe life into this blog (by frequently publishing posts) again.
I love your new design.. As always! 🙂
Wow! I like your template.. simply…. but sexy ang dating…
I see you’re the type who easily gets bored :). Change is good- this one in particular. I love the colors… they’re refreshing and complement each other. I like that it’s uncluttered.
Wow!!very nice It’s look so great..pretty good ..
thanks ruben 🙂
I like your template..very nice color ..
It’s beautiful! I love how it looks! Purple/Lavender color by the way is my favorite color. Thanks for showing your talent. 🙂
i’m glad that we share the same favorites cacai. thanks too!
It’s very refreshing too look at!
Nagbabalik para sa Comment Exchange, joined today.
We both have the same purple theme.It is nice opening your blog site with this kind of theme.
yap, yap, yap… purple is a nice shade indeed!
Good job on this one.. The template is clean 🙂
I like your blog design .I hope I can be like you who can design my own .I am not a techie so .I just have what is free .
nice and mellow to the eyes. i love the colors too and it’s my favorite color 😀
Looks great! The colors are easy on the eyes but it is still very professional looking. Kudos!
thanks aggie!
I like your blog design it looks cool and easy to navigate. When you will be available for another blog makeover I want one…
love the new look, she. i also love the one you did for mom gen reviews. have a great weekend, sis!
I love the lavender-yellow combo. It is very calming.
What does the old one look like?
Genesis framework is lurve. I love their pre-made designs.
Lovely design.. simple yet catchy!
thanks tin. 🙂
hi techie she! i love your theme. i’d like to inquire if you could design something for my travel blog? please email me. thanks!
hi liz, just saw your message (in my spam folder). just sent you an email. regards!