The other day, I wrote about a friend’s stand on how often we, bloggers, should update our blogs. As mentioned, she stressed that bloggers should consider quality over quantity.
An email subscriber, who happens to be a popular blogger too, replied that although quality is important, quantity is just as important as well. The more articles we have, the more links they generate. This creates an opportunity for our sites to rank higher in search engines and even capitalize from social media traffic.
Well, I think there’s no need to have a debate on this. The two cases will weigh differently on different people and their points of view will depend on whether they already have established their blogs, readership, blog page rank and other stuff.
As a blogger, do you also feel the need to post frequently on your blog? As a reader, which do you prefer, quality or quantity?
As a reader, I want quality, I get to learn from other people. As a blogger, I go for both, quality and quantity. But with so many other things to do, sometimes, quality suffers. paying a visit here.