Here are some tips for better title and description tags for your blog posts or pages: 1. Keep your title short but informative. Google's character limit including the spaces is just 69 characters so be sure to write a title that would be descriptive of your post and yet include those keywords that ...
Tips & Tutorials
Earning Online Through Beads
Are you trying to earn online but are running out of ideas? Based on my observation, more and more home entrepreneurs are creating crafts out of beads and selling (and earning from) them online. There are different kinds of beads that are available in the market right now - thanks to globalization ...
Tips for Creating Your Site’s Navigation Bar
Your site's navigation bar is important. It's like a GPS that aids your users in easily finding important pages of your website. When creating a navigation bar, try to avoid using Flash because it's harder for mobile devices to show it. You can be as creative as you want with your design but make ...
Earn Money from Your Used Cellphones
Do you know that you can earn from your used cell phones? Yes, there's a corporation or website that lets you earn cash for cell phones that you no longer use. It's called the Pacebutler Corporation based in Edmond, Oklahoma. They buy used Blackberry, Apple, Motorola, LG, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, ...
How to Protect Your Password
Whether it's a password or a PIN to your accounts, it is important that you protect these important data. Here are some ways that you can protect your password: Do not write down your passwords. Memorize them. Do not share your passwords to anybody. In instances when you need to share your ...