Yes, you read it right, CMF Ads will be closing by October 30. This is a bad news to all bloggers who advertise and earn through CMF Ads.
If you’re a CMF Ads member, better take note of the following dates in relation to the planned closing of CMFAds:
- September 16 – Add Funds option disabled. Add Blog option disabled.
- September 18th – Disable ability to place new ads on campaigns, network ads, fireworks and atomic ads. Any running ads will have time to complete before the cut-off dates
- September 25 – The current cashout screen will be disabled.
- Mid-October – Spikes will be disabled.
- October 23 – Cut-off date for cashout requests. Any funds that have not been cashed out at this stage will be lost.
- October 23 – Widgets and ads disabled.
- Before October 30 – Final cashout requests will be processed.
- October 30 – Site closure.
Yep, i learned this one yesterday … sadness because i used them to advertise my blogs 🙁
hahaha pareho tayo ng post sis, hehe i was shocked when I checked my CMF ads this morning at yun nga nakita ko. paano nlng mga blogs ko huhuhu. I like cmf ads better than adgitize. they maintain your traffic and rank kahit hindi ka nagpa advertise.
It’s a shame… CMF is one of the best advertising networks. Ben has done a fantastic job developing it. I hope a few of my favourite blogs go over to Project Wonderful so I can still buy ads 🙂