Google Fonts is one of the popular sites online that provide open-source fonts. With hundreds of selections to choose from, it is quite easy to be overwhelmed when choosing a font that will be used for your website, design or project.
Although the featured Google fonts are optimized for the web, they still have varying impact on your page load speed. Since 2010, site speed has been a signal in Google’s search ranking algorithms so it will be for the best interest of your site to find a perfect balance between the aesthetic value provided and the site speed impact of the font that you are using.
Currently, there are 122 serified typeface font families in Google Fonts. The following table shows the impact on page load or site speed of Google Fonts with a serif typespace or you may also view the top 12 fastest loading Google Fonts with Serif typeface:
Impact on Site Speed of Google Fonts: Serif Typeface
Font | Impact |
Adamina | 56 |
Alegreya | 15 |
Alegreya SC | 15 |
Alice | 70 |
Alike | 52 |
Alike Angular | 58 |
Almendra | 14 |
Almendra SC | 16 |
Amethysta | 34 |
Andada | 16 |
Antic Didone | 18 |
Antic Slab | 17 |
Arapey | 14 |
Arbutus Slab | 19 |
Artifika | 67 |
Arvo | 26 |
Average | 9 |
Balthazar | 15 |
Belgrano | 17 |
Bentham | 30 |
Bitter | 22 |
Brawler | 54 |
Bree Serif | 11 |
Buenard | 11 |
Cambo | 14 |
Cantata One | 11 |
Cardo | 54 |
Caudex | 45 |
Cinzel | 24 |
Copse | 34 |
Coustard | 38 |
Crete Round | 12 |
Crimson Text | 93 |
Cutive | 21 |
Cutive Mono | 17 |
Della Respira | 27 |
Domine | 26 |
Donegal One | 16 |
Droid Serif | 27 |
EB Garamond | 23 |
Enriqueta | 11 |
Esteban | 11 |
Fanwood Text | 62 |
Fauna One | 8 |
Fenix | 8 |
Fjord One | 25 |
Gabriela | 8 |
Gentium Basic | 50 |
Gentium Book Basic | 52 |
Gilda Display | 9 |
Glegoo | 7 |
Goudy Bookletter 1911 | 41 |
Habibi | 10 |
Headland One | 13 |
Holtwood One SC | 19 |
IM Fell Double Pica | 117 |
IM Fell Double Pica SC | 108 |
IM Fell DW Pica | 121 |
IM Fell DW Pica SC | 109 |
IM Fell English | 115 |
IM Fell English SC | 107 |
Font | Impact |
IM Fell French Canon | 13 |
IM Fell French Canon SC | 76 |
IM Fell Great Primer | 121 |
IM Fell Great Primer SC | 112 |
Inika | 10 |
Italiana | 14 |
Jacques Francois | 36 |
Josefin Slab | 51 |
Judson | 98 |
Junge | 38 |
Kameron | 40 |
Kotta One | 8 |
Kreon | 18 |
Ledger | 9 |
Libre Baskerville | 28 |
Linden Hill | 53 |
Lora | 84 |
Lusitana | 16 |
Lustria | 17 |
Marcellus | 11 |
Marcellus SC | 12 |
Marko One | 20 |
Mate | 15 |
Mate SC | 15 |
Merriweather | 11 |
Montaga | 17 |
Neuton | 14 |
Noticia Text | 19 |
Noto Serif | 29 |
Old Standard TT | 31 |
Oranienbaum | 15 |
Ovo | 23 |
Petrona | 29 |
Playfair Display | 26 |
Playfair Display SC | 19 |
Podkova | 106 |
Poly | 32 |
Port Lligat Slab | 18 |
Prata | 17 |
Prociono | 18 |
PT Serif | 44 |
PT Serif Caption | 49 |
Quando | 25 |
Quattrocento | 27 |
Radley | 22 |
Roboto Slab | 12 |
Rokkitt | 26 |
Rosarivo | 10 |
Rufina | 9 |
Sanchez | 13 |
Sorts Mill Goudy | 23 |
Stoke | 28 |
Tienne | 38 |
Tinos | 35 |
Trocchi | 31 |
Trykker | 11 |
Ultra | 27 |
Unna | 15 |
Vidaloka | 65 |
Volkhov | 53 |
Vollkorn | 31 |
Are you using a font with Serif typeface from Google Fonts? Will you consider changing it for a font with a lesser impact on your page load speed? Care to share your thoughts on the comments section below?