Is your site mobile friendly?
Mobile phones have increasingly turned into tools that people use for browsing the internet, shopping, banking, accessing email, payments, and budgeting. According to a study released by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 87 percent of adults in the US have a mobile phone. Sixty-one percent of these phones are smartphone or internet enabled. If you are still wondering whether you need a mobile friendly website, you really should learn why you should have a mobile friendly website.
A company based in London is rapidly making a name in the field of mobile app development and specialist mobile consultancy for both consumer and enterprise apps. Chelsea Apps Factory, or CAF, prides itself in having the expertise and experience in helping companies mobilize their business not just for the sake of innovation. They aim for a result that will be financially rewarding to their clients’ business in terms of return on investments or ROI. Their Innovation Lab for Ladbrokes has generated over 200 product feature ideas, 30 of which have gone live to date. Chelsea mobile apps has offices in London and Edinburgh.
Do not put off any plans on making your site or app mobile friendly. Having a mobile friendly site or converting your site into a mobile app will make it easier for people who are always on the go (using smartphones, tablets and other mobile gadgets) to access your site. Mobile is the way to go.