Do you know the cardinal rule when using computers (and even with you website)? Back-up, back-up, back-up. Last Wednesday, our PC broke. After bringing it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy (where you need to pay $199 only to have your PC checked-up with no guarantee whether they can fix it or not) and ...
Please Claim Your Free Blog Hosting
This is just a short post to call the attention of all the past winners of the Techie She Lucky Bloggers Weekly Giveaways. If you're one of the past winners of the free blog hosting from the Weekly Giveaway, kindly check your spam box to see if the email re:instructions on how to claim your prizes ...
Join Techie She Lucky Blogger Giveaway Week 11
Welcome to the Week 11 of the Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways cum blogging meme. This week's prize is $10 paypal credits from Gagay of Walking News Paper and the word of the week that you should use in your posts is "NEWS." After creating a post with the word "NEWS" in it, please include ...
Techie Terminology 101: URL
When you've been blogging for quite some time, you begin to acquire and use terms, acronyms and jargon that some people don't usually encounter - and naturally, don't understand. It happens not only in blogging but in other fields as well. This series is the reason why the series, Techie ...
Week 9 Winner of Techie She Weekly Giveaways
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the announcement of the lucky blogger during the week 9 of Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways. Before we proceed with the announcement, I'd like to thank you all for joining this weekly blogging meme. I really appreciate your support and I immensely enjoy ...