Can you envision the patient communication of the future? Based on the infographic from TeleVox that is shown below, there are various trends that businesses should consider and adjust to, and take advantage of, namely
- Landlines are becoming a thing of the past.
- There are more cellphones than people.
- “Age gap” in technology usage continues to shrink.
- Text attracts attention and response better than email.
- Text volume is running circles around voice calls.
- Every mobile phone can receive a text.
- Opt-in is easier than ever.
- Text enables two-way communication.
- Higher response rates improve patient care.
- Carrier errors are no longer a problem.
Presented By TeleVox
Do you agree with the infographic above? Do you think that businesses should consider text marketing in their marketing plans? I would love to hear about your thoughts in the comments section below.