I used to have blogspot blogs too. Two of them were even Page Rank 3 blogs and the rest were either PR2 or PR1. I got dismayed however when one of my PR3 sites was unceremoniously disabled by Blogger and despite repeated request, it was never restored. This prompted me to transfer to WordPress. True, you need to shell out some moolah for web hosting but I am secured that all my efforts in creating my blogs will not be wasted because I already have my own hosting and domain name.
“Free” is great when it comes to hosting but it drives you into complacency – and just when you feel like it’s something that won’t end, you might be shocked (even angered) when that freebie is taken away from you. Besides, I noticed that most sites that offer paid posts seem to prioritize self-hosted WordPress blogs (not the WordPress.com but WordPress.org) so I have no regrets in transferring to WordPress.
Anyway, I would like to ask for some favor. Since I prefer to create pre-made designs right now, I would love to hear some input from you in what you would like to see in my future pre-made designs (like blog niche, color schemes, number of columns, etc.). Unlike custom made designs, pre-made designs are created without a specific client in mind but will still based on your requests and suggestions. This no-pressure blog designing (because I don’t have a timetable to follow) is one of the reasons why I charge less than what most web designers charge (especially with my WordPress designs that use only licensed premium themes).
Feel free to leave your comments or even contact me. Looking forward to that!
my blog would surely need your creativity. I’m pretty sure you can work wonders around it. 🙂