Would you like to invite another blogger to write on your site? Maybe you want to co-author a blog with another person or you just want someone to have access to your site without giving them your own log-in details (for example, when you're going to have a template/blog makeover). Whatever your ...
Tips & Tutorials
Selecting the Right Laptop For You
Are you planning to buy a laptop? With all the choices available for you, the task of choosing the perfect device can be confusing, if not downright, overwhelming. I'm sharing with you the following four main categories of laptops. Each of these has its own merits - you just have to find the one ...
How to Choose a Strong Domain Name
Choosing a strong domain name for your business can be hard. First, most of the names that you can associate with your business is probably taken by now. If you need to find a domain name that will represent your business, do take note of the following tips on how to choose a strong domain ...
How To Set Your Privacy Settings in WordPress
There are various of reasons why people create a blog. While most users would like to open their site to everybody in the world wide web, a few would still prefer to keep their privacy and would just like to share their blog with a chosen few. If you're using Wordpress, you can control your blog's ...
How To Move the Nav Menu in Thesis Theme For WordPress
When using the Thesis Theme for Wordpress, the nav menu is above the header by default. If you want to move the nav menu to after the header portion, just place this code in custom_functions.php: remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu'); ...