[image credit: all-free-download.com]
Here are some of the most common issues that come up in the area of inventory management in a warehouse.
One of the biggest issues occurs when there is inventory missing from a warehouse. In short, there is supposed to be a certain amount of inventory in the warehouse and not all of the products can be accounted for. Perhaps some products were mistakenly shipped to another location or they were placed in the wrong area of the warehouse.
Trying to locate missing inventory is both expensive and time-consuming. It requires retracing the journey of the products to the warehouse. A warehouse operator must drop whatever he or she is doing to accomplish the task of locating inventory. Some warehouse operators choose to simplify the process of handling inventory by trying something like warehouse management software.
Another critical issue related to the inventory of a warehouse involves the ordering process. Sometimes a warehouse can order too many products. This results in an excess of inventory that goes unsold. Alternatively, a warehouse may order too few products. This means that another order needs to be placed to fulfill the needs of customers. It is a wise idea for a warehouse operator to figure out how many products to order based on customer demand. This lessens the chances of running into this issue.