It happens! The enthusiasm just runs out, creative juices dry up and you just dread thinking of writing another blog post or doing another round of bloghopping.

image from Writer's First Aid
Every blogger has (or will) experience blogger’s burnout at least once in their blogging career.
What is Blogger’s Burnout?
Bloggers burnout is just like a writer’s block although the latter is more on losing the ability to produce new work while the former is not just losing the ability but dreading the task of writing new posts, doing blog hopping rounds and other matters related to blogging.
Blogger’s burnout can be trivial, a temporary condition that will last after a few days while for others on the extreme side, it means totally abandoning their blogs and their blogging career.
How do you counter a blogger’s burnout?
- Cool off.
- Enjoy your “real world” life.
- Change your daily blogging routine
- Limit your blogs to a manageable number.
- Don’t treat blogging as a Job
- Change your daily routine
- Do away with the negative bloggers.
- Start typing.
- Read and comment on your friends’ blogs.
- Know your priorities.
Take some time off blogging. Being in front of your PC almost every waking hour is the best way to have blogger’s burnout – not to mention a thick pair of eyeglasses. Do anything that will keep your mind out of blogging for a while.
Enjoy it – so much – that you’ll be wanting to share it again on your blog. If your real world passion is zapped, so will be your passion for blogging.
If clicking ads and visiting blogs becomes a boring routine, do away with it for a few days.
Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Remember, we only have 24 hours in a day. Keep the number of your blogs reasonable.
We all know that work is boring so if you treat blogging like it’s the main reason why you have food on the table today (even if its true) and “work” your way in the blogosphere like there’s no tomorrow, then believe me, you’ll really reach a point when you feel like there’s no future in blogging.
Just a short walk “to smell the roses” as they say, is sometimes enough to start the creative juices flowing. Try to have a weekend getaway and have some bonding time with your loved ones or start another hobby (like scrapbooking or cross-stitching.
Can’t help it! Once in a while, you’ll encounter a negative remark or comment on your site or “meet” a fellow blogger in the blogosphere and social networks who doesn’t know how to keep their insane opinion to themselves or just feel like they’re some royalty and treat you like sh*t. Forgive (delete), forget (block) and avoid them as much as possible. The blogosphere is bigger than you can ever imagine. You’ll find a way to keep those people away from you.
Write whatever pops into your head, even if it doesn’t make any sense or is total gibberish. The idea is to get your creative juices flowing.
If nothing productive is going on at your home base, do something productive outside.
Let’s admit it, sometimes our loved ones get neglected when we focus too much on our blogging career. If it already creates a conflict at home (like your family starts getting hungry because you’re so engrossed in blogging that you only remembered to cook lunch at 5 o’clock in the afternoon or hubby starts getting jealous of your blogs), start rethinking your priorities. For me, a happy family is always more important than a successful blog.
Have you encountered bloggers burnout already? What did you do? Can you add more suggestions to the list above?
I have more blogs than I can chew. 😛 Well, I just have them there in preparation for the future.
Thanks for sharing these tips she, I experienced this many times but no biggy because blogging is not really a must to do thing daily, It is still considered a hobby if we wanted to think that way.