Everyday, a lot of Wordpress themes are created and introduced into the market. Some are free, some are for a fee, while others are free copies of premium themes. Most beginner WP users are not really familiar with the various codes and scripts used in Wordpress - the reason why they become victims ...
How To Move the Nav Menu in Thesis Theme For WordPress
When using the Thesis Theme for Wordpress, the nav menu is above the header by default. If you want to move the nav menu to after the header portion, just place this code in custom_functions.php: remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu'); ...
Free Webinar on How To Rank Higher in Search Engines
Good news to all bloggers! SEO experts Rae Hoffman, Chris Pearson, and Derek Halpern will be hosting a free webinar on how to rank higher in search engines. And the better news is that you can attend this 90-minute virtual SEO Site Clinic for free! Yes, it's for free! The SEO Site Clinic Webinar ...
Review: Domain Name Registration at Namecheap
If you're serious about blogging, one of the first steps that you should consider is getting your own domain name. This is not an easy task though because aside from the overwhelming task of finding a domain name, choosing a domain name registrar amongst the myriad of registrars online can also be ...
Welcome To Techie She
Welcome to "Techie She: Blogging Made Easy." Techie She is a niche blog about blogging, gadgets, technology, software, social media and everything related to computers and the internet. My goal is to make your blogging and virtual life easier, better and more enriching by providing you with the ...