Do you ever wonder if there are people talking about you online? Have you ever tried searching for an article about yourself to see what other people think or tell other people in the internet about you? Though it might sound a little paranoiac, it helps to check your online reputation especially ...
What’s Your Blogging Vice?
Vice might be a strong word because in an online dictionary, vice is defined as "an immoral or evil habit or practice." What I wanted was something less grave - just a practice or anything that you do while blogging? Blogging can be a mentally exhausting task and some bloggers do some things other ...
Social Brand Intelligence With Passenger
Are you trying to connect, create and communicate with your company or business' key stakeholders online, on mobile and on social networks? Do you plan to do so but are lacking the expertise, experience and technology? Why not Passenger help you? Passenger or Think Passenger, Inc. is a company ...
Advantages of Online Booking
Whether it's for buying an airplane ticket or booking for some accommodations, many people are now relying on online booking. Why? Well, among the advantages of online booking are the following: Speed. It's quicker and saves you time (especially now that almost information can be found on the ...
Aternity’s Frontline Performance Intelligence Platform
Have you heard of Aternity? For years, Aternity had been providing comprehensive support, extensive educational programs and customized professional service offerings to help their clients achieve maximum value for their frontline performance intelligence investment. By offering the industry's ...