Do you want to have a blog theme that's powered by Headway Themes? Headway Themes is one of the most search engine optimized Wordpress themes that I had ever known (I have two relatively new sites earning a Page Rank of 1 in the recent updates - but that's a different story). If you'd like me to ...
Join Week 22 of the Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways
Welcome to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week No. 22. It’s a weekly giveaway and blogging meme rolled into one so you’re not only joining in the fun but you have a chance to win exciting prizes every week too! Week 22 Prize This week's prize is $10 paypal credits sponsored by Jared's ...
Contest Fan Blog for Sale
Are you fond of joining contests and would like to start a blog about it? How about buying the Contest Fan blog? Here are the options: Features $30 $42 $55 $66.72 $75 $95.52 domain name* included included included included included included Customized Blog ...
Week 20 Winner of the Techie She Lucky Blogger Giveaways
Friends and fellow bloggers, let me present to you the latest winner in the Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways. I had finished validating all entries a while ago and Rafflecopter was quite helpful because I only have to click the "Add a Winner" button to pick a winner and make things ...
On Redesigning and Other Stuff
I'm thinking of redesigning my blog, Techie She, or probably just do some tweaks here and there. I'm using the Thesis theme for Wordpress here but I'm planning to convert it to Headway Themes now that I'm getting the hang of it. It's the theme that I use in the recent blogs that I designed (have I ...