If you talk to people at Orangesoda or any other online marketing company, they will tell you that this a very competitive business. You need to have an edge if you want to stand apart from the competition in your industry, no matter what that industry may be. With the following tips about how the industry works, you can set yourself up for success. The Internet is a powerful, useful tool for any company, but, like any other tool, it is only going to work if you know how to use it correctly.
1. It takes continuous effort.
When you are doing online marketing, you have to keep doing it consistently just to keep your traffic levels the same. Do not give up on it too quickly or assume that one good month of increased traffic means that you do not have to worry about marketing yourself anymore. This process should never end if you want to get lasting results.
2. Target your customers.
Targeted marketing is much more useful than just marketing to the Internet at large. Some SEO tactics will be to help you rank higher in searches, and these are targeted at keywords that potential customers will use. PPC ad campaigns likewise have to be targeted to sites where your customers might be already, or you have very little chance of getting anyone at all to click on the ads.
3. Make use of videos and text.
Videos are more popular on the Internet right now than they have ever been before in its history. Make use of this. You can still use graphics and text ads, of course, but do not neglect to have video-driven ads as well. Often, people are more likely to sit there for a few minutes – or even just 30 seconds – to watch a video than they are to read an entire page of text that you have written. You need to concentrate on both aspects.
4. Do your research.
Above all else, do your research. Find out what your customers want. Find out what they expect from you. Give them those things that they want and need, and create ads and marketing campaigns geared around those things. You have to respond to the marketplace and to your customers. When you do this, you will get far better results than if you ignore what they want and try to draw them in anyway.