Whenever you start a website or blog, one of the things that you must consider is how you’re going to host your site. Although hosting your site on your own computer is not unheard of, getting a web host is a much feasible way to go. Web hosts are companies that provide spaces on a server that they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center.
One of the popular web hosting companies right now is Fatcow. It offers only one plan to its customers and this plan includes unlimited disk space, bandwidth, domains per account and email accounts.
Here’s an overview of the FatCow plan (based on what’s provided on their website):
Pricing and Plan Specifics
- Plan Price –
$8.25/mo$4.67/mo – click here to avail now: 40% off at FatCow! - Setup Fees – free
- Free Domain Names – 1 (limited time offer)
- Domains Per Accounts – Unlimited
- Subdomains – Unlimited
- Disk Space – Unlimited
- Bandwidth – Unlimited
- Email Accounts – Unlimited
- Money-back Guarantee – 30 days
Marketing Tools:
- Google Adwords Credit – $75 credit
- Yahoo!/Bing Search Marketing Credit – $25 credit
- Facebook Advertising Credit – $50 credit
- YellowPages listing – free
- RatePoint Feedback Service – free 60 day trial
- HubSpot’s Website Grader – Yes
Other Features
- Support – 24×7 phone, email and live chat support
- Selling online – shopsite online store, accept credit cards, paypal shopping cart integration, powerpay, shared SSL
- Site Tools – website builder, web analytics tools, frontpage extensions, integrated Google custom search, integrated Google Webmaster tools, FTP access
- POP Mailboxes – unlimited
Hot Discount | Ends June 27, 2011: FatCow Week-end Sales! From Friday 10 AM EST to Monday 8 AM EST, enjoy over 55% OFF – week-ends only!
Disclosure: The links above are forms of affiliate programs for monetization, which means when you click on links to various sites that I mentioned in my posts and make a purchase, this can result in a commission that is credited to this site. This blog is independently owned by me and the opinions expressed here are my own.
I’m interested.
After reading your blog post I browsed your website a bit and noticed you aren’t ranking nearly as well in Google as you could be. I possess a handful of blogs myself and I think you should take a look [link deleted by admin]. You’ll find it’s a very nice tool that can bring you a lot more visitors. Keep up the quality posts.
thanks scarlet. my blog is about a month old and i’m not expecting much from Google at the moment but it’s already sending me a few traffic here and there. have to delete the link that you entered. i can’t share it with my readers – and you know why.
yay!! this one’s great te sheryl! 😀 great hosting ah! hehehe!!!
i am thinking of trasferring my blog to a paid hosting site. I will add FATCOW in my choices.