Welcome to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week No. 3. It’s a weekly giveaway and blogging meme rolled into one so you’re not only joining in the fun but you have a chance to win exciting prizes every week too! Week 3 Prize This week's prize is one year free blog hosting sponsored by ...
Sir Rob Wins Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week 1
The first week of Techie She's Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways was a success! Thirteen blogs joined the meme but taking into consideration the extra optional tasks, the total number of entries is 81. After tabulating the entries in MS Excel, and assigning a corresponding number to each entry, I used ...
Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week No. 2
Welcome to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week No. 2. It’s a weekly giveaway and blogging meme rolled into one so you’re not only joining in the fun but you have a chance to win exciting prizes every week too! Week 2 Prize This week's prize is $10 paypal credit sponsored by pretty ...
Adgitize Changes Publisher Payout System
Yesterday, Mr. Ken Brown of Adgitize published an article about the changes in the publisher payout system that will be implemented in July 1, 2011. They will be reverting to their original pricing structure and will discontinue the "2010 Summer Promotion." According to Ken Brown, this restructure ...
Discounted FatCow Web Hosting
Whenever you start a website or blog, one of the things that you must consider is how you're going to host your site. Although hosting your site on your own computer is not unheard of, getting a web host is a much feasible way to go. Web hosts are companies that provide spaces on a server that they ...