Tired of the same old fonts on your computer? Check out these sites that offer fonts that you can download for free! 1001 Free Fonts 1001freefonts allows you view fonts according to categories, see the complete list of fonts according to alphabetical order or search for a specific font through ...
How To Set Your Privacy Settings in WordPress
There are various of reasons why people create a blog. While most users would like to open their site to everybody in the world wide web, a few would still prefer to keep their privacy and would just like to share their blog with a chosen few. If you're using Wordpress, you can control your blog's ...
Links Bloggers Must Check Out
Blogging is not as easy as it looks. It takes more than just typing some posts and clicking the publish button to make your blog better. I'd like to share with you four links to various tools and resources available for bloggers that you must check out. They are presented here in no particular ...
Does Your WP Theme Have Malicious Codes?
Everyday, a lot of Wordpress themes are created and introduced into the market. Some are free, some are for a fee, while others are free copies of premium themes. Most beginner WP users are not really familiar with the various codes and scripts used in Wordpress - the reason why they become victims ...
How To Move the Nav Menu in Thesis Theme For WordPress
When using the Thesis Theme for Wordpress, the nav menu is above the header by default. If you want to move the nav menu to after the header portion, just place this code in custom_functions.php: remove_action('thesis_hook_before_header', 'thesis_nav_menu'); ...