Will self-management become the new model in workplaces, rather than the classic management systems that have been around for years? Many of today’s companies ask that question as workplace cultures shift and grow into modern times. Self-management is just one of the trends occurring inside offices around the nation and the globe.
Self-Management Defined
Self-managed organizations are similar to coops; they are also referred to as industrial democracies and producer cooperatives. There are actually a few varieties of this model, including:
- All the worker-members manage the company through direct assemblies.
- Elected bodies manage worker supervision.
- Elected specialized managers handle oversight of the operation.
- Employees jointly own the company.
The goals of a self-managed organization are to provide greater worker autonomy.
Successful Self-Managed Organizations
While self-management may seem like an iffy concept to some people, many companies have found success through this model. For example:
- A tomato processing plant used this model and became the largest tomato processor on the planet.
- 12-step groups have been wildly successful using a self-managed model.
- One self-managed webpage has become so commonplace that its name is to online encyclopedias as a facial tissue company that starts with a K is to tissues.
- A major chamber orchestra has self-managed itself successfully for over a decade.
Reasons Self-Management Model Works
Self-management model works so well for various reasons, two of them are:
- Leaders are not hired or made; they decide to lead, and do.
- People who lead are followed, because they do things worth following.
Vital Organizations Embrace Change
The organizations that want to succeed as they move into the future need to be open to reinventing themselves in order to remain vital. Doing the same old thing in the same old way is just not going to cut the mustard in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Other shifts occurring in offices around the world include:
- Workspaces are being redesigned with open floor plans, modern looking glass partitions and doors, and collaborative open areas instead of claustrophobic cubicles.
- Socialization and fun are being incorporated into today’s office environments, because bonded happy groups are more productive.
- Healthier cuisine is being offered as snacks and lunchtime fare in progressive offices, because people understand that what they eat determines how their brains and bodies work.
Today’s office cultures are shifting and changing every day. The companies that will be the most successful are the ones who morph, rather than hunkering down in their old ways. Experimenting with self-management, reinvented workspaces, and other emerging trends can propel businesses into the future.